Get to know yourself

Introspection should be the starting point in your career planning journey. Being aware of your own strengths and weaknesses is key to defining your career goals. Completing a self-assessment can help you identify what you can already bring to the table, and what you need to work on to get a specific job or enter a particular field or industry. Learn more.

Take a career quiz

Six quizzes and tests are available on Job Bank to help you discover your professional interests, abilities and preferences. The results will help you find occupations that would be a good fit for you.

Discover the Skills for Success

Discover the key skills you need for work and daily life. Find out why each skill is important and situations in which they are useful. Find tools to assess and improve your work and life skills.

Explore the job market

Staying informed about what’s happening in the labour market can help you align your career goals with key trends and potential outcomes. You can compare the requirements, wages and job prospects for different occupations and industries across Canada to make informed career decisions. Learn more.

Learn about an occupation

Research an occupation to find out what the job is all about. You can see what you would do, how much you could make, what skills and education you need, and whether there will be jobs in this field over the next few years.

Research labour market information

Get an overview of current conditions in different industries and different parts of the country. Browse through news articles about job creation, layoffs and other developments in your industry or region.

Find jobs you could transition to

Are you considering a career change? Search for occupations you could transition to that require some gap training. Find jobs with similar education and skill requirements to the ones you already have and see how long it would take to make a career transition.

Plan your education or training

Once you know what skills and knowledge are required for the job you want, it’s time to come up with a plan to get qualified. Before you decide to invest time and money into an education program or training course, compare your options to find out which one is right for you. Learn more.

Pick a field of study

Learn about different education programs and how graduates are doing after school. Are they employed in their field of study? What are their earnings? Would they study in this field again?

Get skills training

Whether you’re looking for a new job or a career change, or if you just want to grow in your current role, training can help you get there. Find out what kind of training is right for you, where to get training, and how to pay for it.

Stand out to employers

When you’re ready to look for a job, being aware of best practices can help you speed up the process and make the most of it. Learn more.

Search and apply for jobs

Discover the best ways to search for a job. Learn how to write a good resume and other steps you need to take before applying for a job. Check out interview tips that can help you make a lasting impression on employers.

Network and stay connected

Few people hold a single job until they retire. To keep tabs on career development opportunities, you need to build and maintain a professional network and stay up to date on your industry’s latest news. Learn more.

Build your professional network

In Canada, many job vacancies are not advertised by employers. These positions are usually filled informally through word of mouth. This is what we call the hidden job market, and the best way to tap into it is through networking. Networking can also help you find mentors who would help you grow in your field.

Stay connected to your industry

In today’s ever-changing labour market, it’s more important than ever to stay up to date on the latest developments in your industry. By seeking continuous learning opportunities, you can embrace the change and maintain your employability.

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