Sorry, we didn’t find any bus operator jobs in the Bas-Saint-Laurent Region on Job Bank. You can see where the jobs are for all Bus drivers, subway operators and other transit operators (NOC 73301) elsewhere in Canada, or search for another occupation.
Saskatchewan Polytechnic is providing $35,000 to support Artificial Intelligence Saskatchewan (AiSK) in becoming a central hub for AI innovation for collaboration with the public, industry, academia, and all levels of government. AiSK will host events, industry roundtables, and deliver programs and services.
- Other type of event
Professional, scientific and technical services
Added on 2024-12-21
The University of Regina is discontinuing the linguistics program. Students can no longer start a bachelors degree or honours option in linguistics at the university.
- Other type of event
Educational services
Added on 2024-12-10
Regina–Moose Mountain Region, SK
Saskatchewan Polytechnic led the country in several categories in the Re$earch InfoSource Inc. latest Top 50 Research Colleges list. The college was first for the number of completed research projects, and the number of research partnerships, and second for industry research income growth.
- Other type of event
Educational services
Added on 2024-12-05
The Government of Canada and Government of Saskatchewan are accepting applications for the 2025 Agriculture Student Scholarship. The awards range from $3000 to $6000 to supports students entering agriculture-related post-secondary studies. The application deadline is March 1, 2025.
- Other type of event
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting
Added on 2024-12-11
The Government of Canada is providing $500,000 for the Sylvite Four-Six Regional Development Partnership (S4-6), a collaboration between the municipal and Indigenous communities in East Central Saskatchewan to support potash developments near BHP's $14B Jansen mine.
- Job creation
Mining and oil and gas extraction
Added on 2024-11-29
Prince Albert Region, SK
The Saskatchewan and federal governments are jointly providing $8.4M to support Saskatchewan’s early learning and childcare workforce. The money will help businesses recruit and retain staff. An additional $1M will enhance wages for early childhood educators by $1 per hour.
- Job creation
Educational services
Added on 2024-09-05