Jobs Chief Civil Engineer in New Brunswick
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We found 7 chief civil engineer jobs in New Brunswick on Job Bank. The job postings found are for all Civil engineers (NOC 21300).


Read the latest news stories about job creation and layoffs related to the occupation ofchief civil engineer (NOC 21300).

Multiple contracts were awarded to construction and site development companies in the Saint-Hilaire area in the Town of Haut-Madawaska. The contracts include projects for a pumping station, the installation of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing components, and the purchase of a filtration system. These projects will restore residents’ access to drinking water by the end of the year.

The provincial government announced two investments in municipal infrastructure. The town of Hautes-terres will receive $273,750 to extend sanitary sewers, and the town of Caraquet will receive $370,203 to extend rue de la Gare.

Multiple contracts were awarded to construction and site development companies in the Saint-Hilaire area in the Town of Haut-Madawaska. The contracts include projects for a pumping station, the installation of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing components, and the purchase of a filtration system. These projects will restore residents’ access to drinking water by the end of the year.

N.S. Power has estimated a scaled-down version of the Atlantic Loop project at $700M. The electrical grid project will carry power from renewable energy projects between N.S. and N.B. It received environmental approval in 2023, but no start date has been set.

  • Other type of event
  • Utilities
  • Added on 2024-04-23
  • New Brunswick

The governments of N.B. and N.S. have signed an agreement to move ahead with plans to upgrade and protect the Chignecto Isthmus from rising seas levels. It's estimated cost is $400M, but roughly $100M worth of trade crosses daily and contains key infrastructure.

  • Other type of event
  • Construction
  • Added on 2024-04-16
  • New Brunswick

City council has awarded a $2M construction contract for water, sewage, and road work to be done along Sydney Street in uptown Saint John. The project is expected to take place from mid-April and continue into September.

  • Other type of event
  • Construction
  • Added on 2024-04-05
  • Saint John–St. Stephen Region, NB
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