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Timmins Learning Centre Inc. received $135K from the provincial government to hire staff to support child and adult learning programs in Timmins
- Job creation
Other services (except public administration)
Added on 2024-11-27
Northeast Region, ON
The Go-Give project, a nonprofit charitable organization in Sudbury, received $508K from the City of Sudbury to support a new overnight warming centre until the end of April
- Job creation
Other services (except public administration)
Added on 2024-11-23
Northeast Region, ON
Kina Gbezhgomi Child and Family Services, an Indigenous-led organization, has opened a new 7,000-sq.-ft. facility in Sudbury to support Indigenous youth transitioning out of foster care and child welfare
- Job creation
Health care and social assistance
Added on 2024-11-20
Northeast Region, ON
Sault College of Applied Arts and Technology in Sault Ste. Marie, received $597.4K from the federal government to support its industrial innovation initiatives and equipment acquisition
- Job creation
Educational services
Added on 2024-11-12
Northeast Region, ON
Eleven local business in North Bay are investing $28M, with support from the provincial government, to expand company operations, creating 76 jobs
- Job creation
Added on 2024-10-27
Northeast Region, ON
The federal government invested $1.3M in Atikameksheng Anishnawbek First Nation near Sudbury, to enhance early childhood education with Anishinaabemowin language and cultural programs
- Other type of event
Educational services
Added on 2024-10-16
Northeast Region, ON