Available jobs
Sorry, we didn’t find any passenger attendant, ship jobs in the Windsor-Sarnia Region on Job Bank. You can see where the jobs are for all Support occupations in accommodation, travel and facilities set-up services (NOC 65210) elsewhere in Canada, or search for another occupation.
Read the latest news stories about job creation and layoffs related to the occupation ofpassenger attendant, ship (NOC 65210).
The City of Windsor is upgrading its transit system after a joint federal-provincial-municipal government investment of more than $117M for improved bus stops and terminals, new technologies and a larger fleet
- Job creation
Transportation and warehousing
Added on 2024-07-11
Windsor-Sarnia Region, ON
- canada.ca
The City of Sarnia will open its new $3M Clearwater Terminal on May 27
- Job creation
Transportation and warehousing
Added on 2024-05-15
Windsor-Sarnia Region, ON
- thesarniajournal.ca