Job description Educational Sociologist in the Kingston–Pembroke Region
Find out what work is like for an educational sociologist in Canada. This work description is applicable to all Labourers in food and beverage processing (NOC 41409).
Other professional occupations in social science
Other professional occupations in social science include anthropologists, archaeologists, geographers, historians, linguists, political scientists, sociologists and other professional occupations in social science. They are employed in universities and throughout the public and private sectors.
Work week duration
Other professional occupations in social science usually work between 35 to 40 hours per week.Job duties
Here are some of the main activities and tasks that Other professional occupations in social science have to perform, and some of the physical demands they involve:
- Anthropologists
- Conduct studies of the origin, development and functioning of human societies and cultures and of human evolution, changing physical characteristics and geographical distribution.
- Archaeologists
- Study artifacts (objects and structures) to reconstruct past economic, social, political and intellectual life.
- Criminologists
- Study crime, criminals, prevention and rehabilitation, and may assist and counsel individuals on their social reintegration.
- Geographers
- Study and analyse the spatial distribution and interrelationship of physical, biological, cultural and social patterns.
- Historians
- Conduct research into one or more phases or aspects of past human activity and interpret and document findings.
- Linguists
- Study the origin, structure and development of languages and apply linguistic theory to problems in teaching, translation and communications.
- Political scientists
- Conduct research into the theory, origin, development, interrelationships and functioning of political institutions, political movements and individual political behaviour.
- Psychometricians
- Develop psychological tests, scales and measures, and may administer or apply and interpret such tests, scales and measures. Psychometrists administer and score psychological tests, usually under the supervision of a registered psychologist.
- Sociologists
- Study the development, structure, social patterns and interrelationships of human society.
- Other social science professionals
- Specialize in particular areas of social sciences and humanities disciplines. These include gerontologists (specialists in the phenomena and problems of aging), graphoanalysts (specialists in handwriting analysis) and others.
Physical demands Help - Physical Demands
- Standing
- Handling material manually
- Bending or twisting the body
- Making repetitive motions
- Walking and running
Workplaces and employers
Here are the typical workplaces where Other professional occupations in social science are employed and some of their main characteristics:
- Dairies
- Sugar refineries
- Brewing companies
- Bakeries
- Meat plants
- Flour mills
- Fruit and vegetable processing plants
- Food and beverage processing establishments
Work environment Help - Physical Work Environment
- Standard safety equipment
- Indoors, environmentally controlled
- Sound and noise
- Indoors, not environmentally controlled
Physical proximity from others Help - Physical proximity from others
- Somewhat close (e.g. share office)
Related job titles
Here are some other related job titles that are found in the same occupational category (NOC 41409), and a list of similar occupations:
- anthropologist
- archaeologist
- geographer
- gerontologist
- historian
- linguist
- political scientist
- psychometrist
- sociologist
Similar occupations Help - Similar occupations
Sources Occupational and Skills Information System & National Occupational Classification
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