Summary Medical Transcriptionist near Yorkton (SK)
Find key facts and figures about working as a medical transcriptionist. The following information is applicable to all Court reporters, medical transcriptionists and related occupations (NOC 12110).
Court reporters record and transcribe verbatim the proceedings of courts, legislative assemblies and committees, and prepare transcripts for use by judges, tribunals and quasi-judicial panels. They are employed by courts of law, provincial and federal legislative assemblies and committees, or they may be self-employed. Medical transcriptionists record, transcribe and edit dictation by physicians and other health care providers, surgical proceedings, health-related reports and other medical documentation. They are employed by hospitals, medical clinics and doctors' offices, or they may be self-employed. Closed captioners, braille technicians and other transcriptionists are included in this unit group.
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College or apprenticeship
This occupation usually requires a college diploma (community college, institute of technology or CÉGEP), an apprenticeship training of 2 or more years, or experience working in a supervisory occupation.
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Median wage in the Yorkton–Melville Region
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